Retirement Calculator

Retirement Amount
(Inflation adjusted)

Rs. 18,59,48,730

Growth of your Savings Amount

(12.5% per annum)

Rs. 3,61,09,886

Final Targeted Amount
(Minus growth of your savings amount)

Rs. 14,98,38,844

Number of years you need to save

50 Years

Monthly Savings required

Rs. 4104

Total Amount Invested in 50 years

Rs. 24,62,400

Total Growth Amount

Rs. 14,73,76,444

Your Risk Profile

Risk Profile:
Equity (Allocation):
Debt (Allocation):

Performance Track Record

 Debt | Equity

Category Percentage Scheme Name
Equity 65% Sundaram Select Focus 25% / Sundaram Mid Cap 20% / Sundaram Small Cap Fund 5% / Sundaram Large and Mid Cap Fund 15%
Debt 33% (Sundaram Banking & PSU Debt Fund / Sundaram Short Term Credit Risk Fund / Sundaram Low Duration Fund) 10% and (Sundaram Short Term Debt Fund / Sundaram Corporate Bond Fund) 25%
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