Distributor FAQs

Employee Unique Identification Number (EUIN)

As per SEBI circular CIR/IMD/DF/21/2012 dated September 13, 2012, AMFI is required to create a unique identity number of the employee/ relationship manager/ sales person of all ARN (AMFI Registration Number) holders interacting with the investor for the sale of mutual fund products, in addition to the AMFI Registration Number (ARN) of the distributor. This number is the EUIN.

EUIN is a unique number allotted to the sales persons of all ARN holders. It is also allotted to Individual/Sole Proprietorship ARN holders in their individual capacity as a Sales Person.

Individual/Sole Proprietorship ARN holders must obtain the EUIN from AMFI. They must intimate the AMFI unit of CAMS in case they employ any Sales Persons so that EUIN can be allotted to them.

Individual ARN (Senior Citizen Category) ARN holders registered under Senior Citizen category who have employees/ relationship managers/ sales persons working under them for selling and marketing Mutual Fund products under their ARN are required to register these employees under their ARN and obtain the Employee Unique Identification Number (EUIN) for them.

Overseas Distributors: EUIN will not be applicable for overseas distributors who comply with the requirements as per AMFI circular CIR/ARN/-14/12-13 dated July 13, 2012.

AMFI has advised CAMS to generate Employee Unique Identification Number (EUIN) for employees of distributors who are currently registered with AMFI and have a valid registration. The details of such employees along with their EUIN would be intimated to the corporate ARN holders. Corporate ARN holders will get a request to return the ARN cards issued to such employees and the new EUIN cards will be issued to them

The EUIN database will be maintained by the AMFI unit of CAMS.

Yes. With effect from October 1, 2013, providing EUIN of the concerned sales person in the application form/transaction slips (in addition to entering the ARN code/Sub Broker ARN code/Sub-broker code, as applicable) is mandatory for all transactions, including transactions routed through stock exchanges.

ARN holders must ensure that the sub broker affixes his/her ARN code and the EUIN of the Sales Person in the columns separately provided in the transaction slips/application forms. This is in addition to the practice of affixing the internal code issued by the main ARN holder.

Individual ARN holders who are Sales Persons themselves (either as the main distributor or the sub broker) shall affix the EUIN allotted to them in the transaction slips/application forms.

Channel distributors and online distributors are required to provide the EUIN in the electronic transaction feeds.

Purchases, Switches, Registrations of SIP/ STP/ Trigger STP/ Transfer of Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal option Plan

Instalments under SIP/ STP/ SWP/ STP Triggers, Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal option, Bonus Units, Redemption, SWP Registration, Zero Balance Folio creation and instalments under Transfer of Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal option Plans.

No, as the sales person may move from one ARN to another, EUIN validity is not linked to the main ARN holder's expiry.

The AMFI unit of CAMS will track the period for which a Sales Person's EUIN is tagged to an ARN holder i.e. both start date and end date of an EUIN's association with an ARN holder will be recorded and maintained for future reference.

Yes. ARN holders shall notify the AMFI unit of CAMS about a Sales Person involved in distribution of MFs, joining or exiting the organization quoting his/her EUIN immediately upon joining/exit of the sales person.

For complaints received against a Sales Person from investors, distributors, AMCs, Regulators, etc. AMFI ARN Committee shall carry out investigations and advise the AMFI unit of CAMS about the continuation or suspension of the EUIN.

ARN holders cannot be paid commission for the business canvassed by them till the employees, if any, engaged by them in selling and marketing of mutual fund products are registered with AMFI and obtained EUIN. Similarly, Individual/Proprietary ARN holders should have obtained EUIN to entitle them for receipt of commission in respect of the business procured by them.

In case where the particulars of EUIN along with ARN code/Sub Broker ARN code, as applicable, have been obtained but not provided, the ARN holder shall remediate the same within 30 days (period of remediation reduced to 30 days from 90 days for all transactions submitted post October 1, 2013 as per AMFI Circular dated August 27, 2013) from the date of transaction either by providing the EUIN or the following declaration signed by the investor in a separate form.

In case EUIN or the above declaration is not provided within 30 days, brokerage on the concerned transaction shall be forfeited permanently.

With effect from July 1, 2014, as per AMFI's recommendations, the remediation period shall be changed to 7 days from the end of the month in which the transaction is submitted. For example, all those transactions which are submitted during July 2014 without EUIN must be remediated as per the process stated above on or before August 7, 2014.

Central Distributor Services

At present, Distributor data is being maintained by each AMC. Therefore, distributors submit the change detail requests, if any, to each of the AMCs which have empanelled them. To simplify the change request process, 'Central Distributor Services' has been introduced by AMFI. CAMS has been appointed by AMFI for receiving the change details request from the distributors and recording the same centrally. This data would be shared with all the RTAs by CAMS. Central Distributor Services has become operational with effect from January 15, 2013.

The centralized database will contain the data of the distributors like address, contact person, contact details, bank account details, etc. The database is shared with all Registrars and Transfer Agents (RTAs) and the AMCs who shall use it for their day to day operations with regard to the distributors. The bank details available in the database may be used by the Mutual Fund / AMC for payment of commission, etc. to the distributors.

CAMS has sent letters to all the KYD compliant distributors along with the existing information of the distributor available with them and has advised the distributors to verify the same and inform CAMS in the specified format, if there are any changes to the information. Hence, we advise you to submit the information in the specified format to CAMS if there are any changes in the existing information available with CAMS as shared by them with you.

No. The requests should not be submitted to individual AMCs/ RTAs. On and from January 15, 2013 the distributor needs to submit such request to the AMFI Unit of CAMS for any subsequent change in their details. CAMS shall make the changes in the AMFI database. Such changes will be intimated to all RTAs by CAMS.

CAMS-AMFI unit will share the details available in the central database in respect of ARN holders with RTAs, who in turn would be required to update their system with the said data received from CAMS. The RTAs must use this data for all purposes. As and when change/ modification requests are received and updated in the AMFI database by CAMS in respect of the ARN holders, the data will be sent to respective RTAs.

Yes, from the Financial Year ending March 2013 onwards, the Annual Self Certification by the Distributors may be submitted only once to CAMS' AMFI Unit. The information regarding submission of the same shall be shared with RTAs, by CAMS.

Cadre of Distributors

As per the SEBI Circular no. CIR/IMD/DF/21/2012 dated September 13, 2012, a new cadre of distributors are categorized such as postal agents, retired government and semi-government officials (class III and above or equivalent), retired teachers and retired bank officers with a service of at least 10 years, and other similar persons (such as Bank correspondents) as may be notified by AMFI/ AMC from time to time, has been allowed to sell units of simple and performing mutual fund schemes. Subsequent to SEBIs circular, AMFI included the following persons under the new cadre:

  1. Intermediaries/ Agents engaged in distribution of financial products e.g. insurance agent, FD agent, National Savings Scheme products, PPF, etc. registered with any other Financial Services Regulator.
  2. Business correspondents appointed by Banks.

Simple and performing mutual fund schemes shall comprise of diversified equity schemes, fixed maturity plans (FMPs) and index schemes and should have returns equal to or better than their scheme benchmark returns during each of the last three years.

Yes, These new cadre of distributors are required to complete a simplified form of National Institute of Securities Market (NISM) certification. The NISM has launched the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) and Test programme for the new cadre of Distributors and registration for the same commenced from January 14, 2013.

Yes. The new cadre of distributors would require AMFI Registration prior to empanelling themselves with the AMCs and further to distribute mutual fund products.

AMFI has prescribed registration fee of Rs.1,500/- for three years for this new cadre of Distributors. However, AMFI has waived registration fees for all the distributors registering for the first time in the categories of Individuals (including Sr. Citizen) and new cadre of Distributors during the period from 1st February 2013 to 31st March 2014, subject to fulfilling of certain conditions

The conditions to be fulfilled are:

  1. Senior Citizens are Individuals who qualify under the criteria stipulated by SEBI i.e. a person who has attained age of 50 years as on May 31, 2010 (OR) has at least 10 years experience in the securities market OR/ AND in distribution in Mutual Fund products as on May 31, 2010.
  2. New cadre of Distributors should be compliant with the criteria mentioned in the SEBI Circular dated September 13, 2012.
  3. Individuals, Sr. Citizens and new cadre of Distributors should have valid Certificate for passing NISM Examination/ attending CPE Programme.
  4. ARN Card issued shall be valid upto 3 years from the date of passing the date of NISM Examination / attending CPE Programme. However, renewal of ARN after 3 years shall be subject to payment of prescribed fees, as applicable at the time of renewal.
  5. The application made for registration under this scheme (waiver of fees) should be accompanied with all other stipulated documents specified in the ARN Registration Form.

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