ARN holders cannot be paid commission for the business canvassed by them till the employees, if any, engaged by them in selling and marketing of mutual fund products are registered with AMFI and obtained EUIN. Similarly, Individual/Proprietary ARN holders should have obtained EUIN to entitle them for receipt of commission in respect of the business procured by them.
In case where the particulars of EUIN along with ARN code/Sub Broker ARN code, as applicable, have been obtained but not provided, the ARN holder shall remediate the same within 30 days (period of remediation reduced to 30 days from 90 days for all transactions submitted post October 1, 2013 as per AMFI Circular dated August 27, 2013) from the date of transaction either by providing the EUIN or the following declaration signed by the investor in a separate form.
In case EUIN or the above declaration is not provided within 30 days, brokerage on the concerned transaction shall be forfeited permanently.
With effect from July 1, 2014, as per AMFI's recommendations, the remediation period shall be changed to 7 days from the end of the month in which the transaction is submitted. For example, all those transactions which are submitted during July 2014 without EUIN must be remediated as per the process stated above on or before August 7, 2014.