Sundaram NIFTY 100 Equal Weight

Formerly known as Principal Nifty 100 Equal Weight Fund

An open-ended scheme replicating/ tracking Nifty 100 Equal Weighted index

(Sundaram Smart NIFTY 100 Equal Weight Fund has merged into Principal Nifty 100 Equal Weight Fund and the surviving scheme has been renamed)

Sundaram Nifty 100 Equal Weight Fund

About This Fund

  • A Smart Beta Fund - an emerging attractive alternate to traditional index-based funds
  • Can outperform index funds and also has potentially lower risk
  • Passively managed with rebalancing done on a quarterly basis

NAV as on

Returns since inception as on


Date of Inception

Total AUM as on


Risk Metric


of ₹


Total Investment of would have become

Product Features

  • A Smart Beta Fund - an emerging attractive alternate to traditional index-based funds
  • Can outperform index funds and also has potentially lower risk
  • Passively managed with rebalancing done on a quarterly basis

Ideal For

  • Investors seeking to invest in companies which are constituents of NIFTY 100 Equal Weighted Index (underlying index) in the same proportion as the index and endeavour to generate returns that are commensurate with the performance of the underlying index
  • Ideal for Institutions (PF Trusts, etc.) and conservative investors for construction of a core-satellite portfolio with an allocation to Smart Beta funds forming the core and complemented by actively managed funds
  • Long Term Capital Growth and Income
  • A mix of investments predominantly in equity and equity related instruments and fixed income securities

*Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

Investment objective

To invest principally in securities that comprise Nifty 100 Equal Weight Index in the same proportion as the index and subject to tracking errors endeavour to attain results commensurate with the Nifty 100 Equal Weight Index.

Benchmark Index

Tier I:
Tier II:

Month End AuM


Total Expense Ratio

Regular: , Direct:

Repayment Options


Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal (IDCW): Payout, Reinvestment, Transfer

Special Facitilities


Minimum Investment Amount

₹ 100

Entry Load

Not Applicable

Exit Load


Performance invested
Period Fund
Additional Benchmark
Additional Benchmark

Past performance may or may not be sustained in future. Returns/investment value are as of . Returns are on a compounded annual basis for period more than one year and absolute for one-year period and computed using NAV of Regular Plan-Growth Option.
Value of invested at inception is as on .

Market Capitalization

Current Asset Allocation

Portfolio data as on

Fund Managers

Product Label

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