View the NAV and Dividend History for all the funds of Sundaram Mutual.

Adjusted NAVs for performance calculation

Pursuant to our acquisition of Principal Mutual Fund on 31st Dec 2021, and the subsequent scheme mergers between the schemes of the Sundaram Mutual Fund and Principal Mutual Fund, the adjusted NAVs for calculating the weighted average performance of schemes with similar features until the merger date are provided in the table below for the Regular and Direct Plans - Growth Option. Disclosures in line with SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF3/CIR/P/2018/69 dated April 12, 2018 for standardising the disclosure of scheme performance post-merger. Post-merger, the surviving scheme's NAV, available on the NAV page on our website/ AMFI website, needs to be considered.

Disclaimer: The adjusted NAVs should be consideredonly for the purpose of calculating the performance of theFund and not for any other purposes. Past performance of thescheme does not guarantee future performance of the Scheme.The Sponsor/AMC/MF/Trustees are not responsible or liablefor the usage of the adjusted NAVs for any other purposeother than as stated above.

S.No. Surviving Scheme Category Transferor scheme Transferee scheme Surviving Scheme Download
1 Large Cap Sundaram Select Focus & Principal Large Cap Fund Sundaram Bluechip Fund Sundaram Large Cap Fund
2 Large and Midcap Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund Sundaram Large and Mid Cap fund Sundaram Large and Mid Cap fund
3 Mid Cap Principal Midcap Fund Sundaram Mid Cap Fund Sundaram Mid Cap Fund
4 Small Cap Principal Small Cap Fund Sundaram Small Cap Fund Sundaram Small Cap Fund
5 Multi Cap Sundaram Equity Fund Principal Multi Cap Growth Fund Sundaram Multi Cap Fund
6 Fund of Funds (Overseas) Principal Global Opportunities Fund Sundaram Global Brand Fund Sundaram Global Brand Fund
7 Arbitrage Sundaram Arbitrage Fund Principal Arbitrage Fund Sundaram Arbitrage Fund
8 Dynamic Asset Allocation/Balanced Advantage Sundaram Balanced Advantage Fund Principal Balanced Advantage Fund Sundaram Balanced Advantage Fund
9 Equity Savings Sundaram Equity Savings Fund Principal Equity Savings Fund Sundaram Equity Savings Fund
10 Aggressive Hybrid Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund Principal Hybrid Equity Fund Sundaram Aggressive Hybrid Fund
11 Index Fund Sundaram Smart NIFTY 100 Equal Weight Fund Principal Nifty 100 Equal Weight Fund Sundaram NIFTY 100 Equal Weight Fund
12 Liquid Sundaram Money Fund Principal Cash Management Fund Sundaram Liquid Fund
13 Low Duration Sundaram Low Duration Fund Principal Low Duration Fund Sundaram Low Duration Fund
14 Short Duration Sundaram Short Term Debt Fund Principal Short Term Debt Fund Sundaram Short Duration Fund
15 Ultra Short Duration Sundaram Ultra Short Term Fund Principal Ultra Short Term Fund Sundaram Ultra Short Duration Fund
16 ELSS Principal Personal Tax Saver Fund Principal Tax Savings Fund Sundaram ELSS Tax Saver Fund