
SIP Calculator

A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) calculator is a financial tool that can help you calculate the returns you would earn on your SIP investments. The calculator also tells you how much you would need to invest every month to earn a target corpus. Simply put, it provides a roadmap to achieve your various financial goals.

Rupee Cost Averaging
Regularity of Investments
Power of Compounding
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Retirement Calculator

A retirement calculator is a tool that estimates how much money you need to save for retirement. It can help you determine how much you need to save each month, your total retirement corpus, and the impact of inflation.

Retirement calculators can help you make sure you have enough money to live comfortably after you retire.
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Returns Calculator

The rate of return is an important financial metric that helps you to understand the profitability of your investments, as well as the cost and risk.
Calculating the rate of return allows you to make better decisions about how much money you want to spend on future investments.

Make informed decisions
Set goals
Optimize your portfolio
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Prosperity SIP

Sundaram Prosperity SIP (hereby known as Prosperity SIP) is a product that helps investors build a corpus through monthly systematic investing (SIP) over a period of time (ex.,10 years) and then withdraw a sum monthly (SWP) from it over time to meet their needs.

Start a monthly SIP in an available open-ended equity/hybrid scheme for a pre-defined period (7, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years).
Switch to another (the target) scheme on completion of the SIP period. You can also choose to remain in the same scheme.
Start a monthly SWP from the target scheme to your bank account.
Prosperity SIP Calculator