Sundaram Business Cycle Fund

An open-ended equity scheme following business cycles based investing theme

Sundaram Business Cycle Fund

About This Fund

  • Aims to capitalize on emerging themes and businesses entering strong growth cycles.
  • Current themes: Make in/ for India - Manufacturing, Urbanisation/ Premiumization & Formalization, Sustainable Living, Technology Transition and Digitalization
  • Dynamically managed portfolio of 35-45 stocks, investing across cap curves
  • Top-down approach to selecting themes and bottom-up approach to selecting companies.
  • Benchmark, market cap and sector agnostic fund

NAV as on

Returns since inception as on


Date of Inception

Total AUM as on


Risk Metric


of ₹


Total Investment of would have become

Product Features

  • Aims to capitalize on emerging themes and businesses entering strong growth cycles.
  • Current themes: Make in/ for India - Manufacturing, Urbanisation/ Premiumization & Formalization, Sustainable Living, Technology Transition and Digitalization
  • Dynamically managed portfolio of 35-45 stocks, investing across cap curves
  • Top-down approach to selecting themes and bottom-up approach to selecting companies.
  • Benchmark, market cap and sector agnostic fund

Ideal For

  • Capital appreciation over long term.
  • Investors who seek a diversified thematic exposure in their portfolio.
  • An equity scheme investing in equity & equity related securities with focus on riding business cycle through dynamic allocation between various sectors and stocks at different stages of business cycle in the economy.

*Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

Investment objective

To provide long term capital appreciation by investing predominantly in equity and equity related securities with a focus on identifying medium term cycles which can impact the business fundamentals. This will be done through dynamic allocation between various themes and stocks at different stages of cycles in the economy

Benchmark Index

Tier I:

Month End AuM


Total Expense Ratio

Regular: , Direct:

Repayment Options


Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal (IDCW): Payout, Reinvestment, Transfer

Special Facitilities


Minimum Investment Amount

₹ 100

Entry Load

Not Applicable

Exit Load

  • For redemption or withdrawal by way of SWP within 365 days from the date of allotment: 1%
  • For redemption or withdrawal by way of SWP after 365 days from the date of allotment: Nil
  • Further, exit load will be waived on Intra-scheme and Inter scheme Switch-outs/STP.
Performance invested
Period Fund
Additional Benchmark
Additional Benchmark

Past performance may or may not be sustained in future. Returns/investment value are as of . Returns are on a compounded annual basis for period more than one year and absolute for one-year period and computed using NAV of Regular Plan-Growth Option.
Value of invested at inception is as on .

Market Capitalization

Current Asset Allocation

Portfolio data as on

Fund Managers

Product Label

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